Adult Children of Sex Addicts

I am thrilled to announce the publication of my book, A Light in the Dark: The Hidden Legacy of Adult Children of Sex Addicts!

A Light In the Dark: The Hidden Legacy of Children of Sex Addicts is a ground-breaking book detailing the unique issues experienced by adult children who grew up with a sexually addicted parent and offering a path to unburden their shameful legacy and embrace sexuality and intimacy without the intrusion or constraints from the past.

“A Light in the Dark is a book whose time has come—a beautiful testimonial and guidebook for adult children of sex addicts (ACSA) raised in the accompanying deceit and chaos of addiction. The authors’ unvarnished, first-hand accounts delineate the characteristics common to ACSAs then deliver the reader to the necessary steps for healing and recovery. This book is, indeed, ‘a light in the dark,’ illuminating the way for those who’ve suffered the childhood pains of growing up in a sexually addicted system. A must read for ACSAs and anyone who works in the field of addiction!”

—Alexandra Katehakis, PhD,
 author of Sex Addiction as Affect Dysregulation: A Neurobiologically Informed Holistic Treatment

Am I an Adult Child of a Sex Addict?

Adult children of Sex Addicts (ACSAs) have unfortunately not had a place to turn to during times of shame and struggle. At Dallas Center for Relational Healing, we are changing that. We understand intimately the experiences you have lived; the stories you have to tell. Sexual shame is the legacy that many ACSAs experience and our passion is unburdening that shame and helping you embrace your sexuality and intimacy without the intrusion or constraints of the past. This burden is not yours to bear and you are not alone.

As an ACSA who grew up with a parent who had a sexual addiction, you have likely been confused as to where to turn for help. This is understandable: This is an Intergenerational Trauma that has long been ignored. There are few professionals specializing in this area and little research being done. We are dedicated to bringing you the gold-standard of care and are in the process of training other professionals to do the same.

How would you know if you're an Adult Child of a Sex Addict?  There are behavior clues: Inappropriate sexual behavior of one parent and subsequent impact of betrayal on the other parent. Sexual secrets that divided your loyalty and a feel of being caught in the middle of your parent's struggles. Perhaps you witnessed or were aware of affairs, walked in on a parent masturbating or viewing pornography. Or perhaps the messages were more subtle: Extreme comments about your sexuality or gender, sexualized comments about their bodies and more. As an ACSA you may struggle with your sexuality and longings for love.

If you are been left confused, ashamed, and mistrustful regarding your feelings and boundaries surrounding sex, love, and intimacy, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You're not alone and ground-breaking treatment protocols are available. Begin your healing today.

“These three authors have thoughtfully built upon the body of knowledge of developmental trauma and adult children of alcoholics to offer the ACSA an in-depth understanding of the unique experiences of growing up in a family impacted by sex addiction. A Light in the Dark offers adult children not only a framework and language to understand their experiences but, equally important, a voice and path to their recovery. By recognizing and addressing the consequences of sexual shame, they will forge a new path free of their families’ fear, pain, and shame. This book shines light on the dark while providing light for the future. This is an exciting contribution to the recovery field that is much needed and long overdue.”

—Claudia Black, PhD,
 author of It Will Never Happen to Me, pioneer, adult children of alcoholics movement.

“Finally, a distinct, expertly informed guide to understanding the impact sexual addiction has on adult children. For too long, adults who grew up in homes with a parent who was sexually addicted have lived without clear language, concepts, and tools to help them understand their experience, reduce their shame, and change their relational patterns. A Light in the Dark provides a helpful guide out of the fog of this previously neglected phenomenon into clarity and healing.”

—Michelle Mays, LPC, CSAT-S

“A Light in the Dark: The Hidden Legacy of Adult Children of Sex Addicts shines a bright path to hope and freedom from the shame caused by a parent's sex addiction. Written specifically for, and exclusively through, the eyes of adult children of sex addicts, this book is unique in its approach and offers readers a chance to unburden a shameful legacy. Authors Adams, Meyer, and Vande Garde outline the characteristics, roles, and recovery that guide the adult child of a sex addict into a personalized path of healing. This book is certain to become a welcomed resource for both adult children of sex addicts and the clinicians who treat them.”

—John C. Friel and Linda Diane Olund Friel,
 licensed psychologists and New York Times bestselling authors of Adult Children: The Secrets of Dysfunctional Families and The 7 (Best) Things Happy Couples D

You're not alone.

Adult Children of Sex Addicts: the numbers.


Males in the U.S. experiencing distress from the inability to control their sexual behavior.


Females in the U.S. experiencing distress from the inability to control their sexual behavior.


Families with a parent with a Sex Addiction


Children impacted by a parent's out-of-control sexual behavior in 2020

Source: JAMA US National Prevalence Study; 2018

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